宗旨: 推廣滑翔傘運動, 鼓勵安全飛傘。

Mission: Promote paragliding, encourage safe flying.


Enquiry 查詢: 阿 Ken  +852 9203 1889, ama8801@yahoo.com.hk  (我沒有做雙人傘體驗飛行, 請不要問我有關問題)

如本網頁出現故障, 請改去 www.paragliding.hk 瀏覽

本網站招登廣告, 請聯絡網主: 阿 Ken 教練, Tel: 9203 1889, ama8801@yahoo.com.hk

滑翔傘器材品牌推介 / Paragliding Equipments

Advance, AirDesign, APCO, MAC PARA, Naviter, Nova, Sol, Flytec, Brauniger, Syride, High Adventure

www.paragliding.hk, www.paragliding-hk.com, Tel:9203 1889, ama8801@yahoo.com.hk


Home 滑翔傘簡介 滑翔傘交通規則 滑翔傘執照課程 滑翔傘器材介紹 滑翔傘雙人體驗飛行 滑翔傘載乘服務 滑翔傘DVD及參考書推介 滑翔傘教學短片 滑翔傘飛行影片 飛行場地介紹 滑翔傘相關氣象知識 滑翔傘教學手冊譯本轉載 滑翔傘運動管理辦法 IPPI ParaPro 飛行日誌精華版


滑翔傘體驗課程, 雙人傘體驗課程, 滑翔傘體驗飛行, 雙人傘體驗飛行,滑翔傘雙人體驗課程, 滑翔傘雙人飛行體驗,香港滑翔傘載乘服務, 香港雙人傘載乘服務,香港滑翔傘載客飛行, 香港雙人傘載客飛行,香港滑翔傘體驗飛行, 香港雙人傘體驗飛行。

雙人傘體驗課程, Tandem Paragliding Course

UBlog: 爽到飛起 香港玩滑翔傘初體驗


8月25日是我的第一次滑翔傘體驗,玩之前腦海對滑翔傘毫無概念,心裡有很多問題 – 安全、技巧、體能、保險、地點、價錢等,.......繼續閱讀 

[廣 告]


Hong Kong Tandem Paragliding Program

想飛? 就是這麼簡單!

只要你沒有心臟病,高血壓及其他興任何高危疾病便可參加香港有 8 個場地供滑翔傘飛行: 浪茄灣,北潭坳,八仙嶺,,馬鞍山, 西灣, 石澳, 九龍坑山,大嶼山南。

As long as you do not have any heart disease, hypertension and other high-risk diseases, you can fly with us!

Hong Kong has eight venues for paragliding flight: Long Ke Wan, Pak Tam Au, Pat Sin Leng, Ma On Shan, Sai Wan, Shek O, Cloudy Hill, Lantau.



Birthday celebration, Propose marriage paragliding package    

                    available now

預約聯絡方法: Johnnie 教練 contact 微信/WhatsApp (852) 61706615 , 電郵: sing927927@yahoo.com.hk 寫下: 姓名, 日期, 人數,性別, 體重。 Facebook page: X-fly Hong Kong


1)      活動時間地點:

香港,所有的飛行場地都不能夠用交通工具到達的。 每個場地大慨須要步行大約30分鐘上山合地點大多在地鐵站然後教練會安排到活動地點,活動時間約10am-6pm進行。活動可能須半天或一整天 因要我們需等待最適合的天氣而進行飛行最好帶備水及小食,另外所有參加者必須協助搬運部分裝備約8-10kg

2) 預約細節: 先預約日期,收到訂金後確認日期, 訂金不設退回。如需改期請提前一星期通知,有時就算已經到達飛行場地,因天氣關係仍然有機會取消,可免費另約活動日期

3)  這項運動是一種危險運動 參加者需自行購買保險, 保險詳情可事先向教練查詢。 所有參加者必須明白這項活動是雙方同意 所有參加者必須簽署一份免責聲明。

4) 飛行場地會視乎天氣而定 活動日期之前一天教練會作出通知。

5) 課程收費作為整日的教練裝備及運輸費用因安全關係,飛行途中不能自備攝影器材,如需攝影錄影,教練會提供相關收費的服務。

6) 服裝及所需物品 水、太陽油、蚊怕水、小食、一般輕便戶外裝束或行山裝加運動鞋就可以...行山靴就更好。春秋冬季時要帶備風衣等擋風衣服

7) 飛行每人一次,每次飛行時間為10-20分鐘。


Reservation Contact: Johnnie Wechat or Whatsapp (852) 61706615 

Email: sing927927@yahoo.com.hk

Please write down your name, time, number of people , gender and weight

Facebook page: X-fly Hongkong


1) Activity Time and Location:

In Hong Kong, all the flying sites are not able to be reached directly  with transports, everyone needs to walk up to the hill for about 30 minutes. Meeting place are mostly at the train stations, then the coach will arrange to take you to the flying site. Activity time usually starts between 10am-6pm. Activities may take up a half-day or a full day because we will have to wait for the suitable weather to fly. All participants must assist to carry some of the equipment that is about 8-10kg up to the hill.


2) Appointment Details:

Firstly, please book your appointment date. Flying date will be confirmed upon receipt of your deposit. Deposit is non-refundable. If you want to chance the flying date, one-week advance notice is required for rescheduling. Sometimes, there is still opportunity for the flight cancelation due to inclement weather even we arrive at the venue.

Free charge for rescheduling. 


3) Paragliding is a dangerous sport, participants will need to buy their own insurance before flying if they want. If you want more details about insurance, plase speak to our instructor for information. All participants must understand this activity to be agreed by both sides and all participants must sign a "Waiver" with pilot before flying.  


4) Flying venue will be decided base on the weather, you will be notified where to fly one day before the event date. 


5) The course Fee will include the coach of the day, equipment and transportation of equipment. Due to the security reason, passengers cannot bring their own photographic equipment to the sky during their flight. If you want to take photos or video, the coach will provide relative services with charge for you.

6) Clothing and Required Items: Water, sunscreen, insect repellent, snacks, portable outdoor attire, sport shoes and equipment (hiking boots is much preferable (if you have)). In Spring, Autumn and winter seasons, please bring wind jacket and clothes!


7) Flying time is about 10-20 minutes per flight per person.




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滑翔傘載乘服務/雙人傘體驗查詢表格, 請於意見欄填寫:  日期, 人數,性別, 體重。






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www.paragliding.hk   All Rights Reserved.  Web Master: Kenneth,  Email: ama8801@yahoo.com.hk

Last modified: 2023/03/31